Wednesday 14 January 2015

A blast from the past!

You know, I'd forgotten that this picture existed and so it's with great thanks to my old mate Nick that I can post it here.  He found it - somewhere - and sent it through to me, saying it'd be great on the blog and I can only agree.

We were at college and there was a band, made up of some of our classmates, that we all followed from pub to pub.  They were good - not enough to get signed - and it was great fun watching them and I took some of their publicity photos.  The lead singer was a tasty Goth called Katya who was at least partly Polish and she had a thing for both me and Nick.  We never went the whole threesome route but things were as  free and easy as it was possible to be in the mid-to-late 80s. 

One night, backstage, Katya was talking about blowjobs and Nick & I said we'd never been played with at the same time. Neither, it turned out, had Katya ever played with two blokes at once. Which is where this picture came from (I'm on the right).

Great memories, thanks Nick.  I wonder where Katya is now...? 

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